Yemen separatists seize military camps

Members of UAE-backed southern Yemeni separatist forces stand atop a tank during clashes with government forces in Aden, Yemen August 10, 2019. REUTERS
Members of UAE-backed southern Yemeni separatist forces stand atop a tank during clashes with government forces in Aden, Yemen August 10, 2019. REUTERS

SANA’A – Yemeni separatists have taken effective control of the port city of Aden after days of fighting with troops loyal to the internationally backed government.

Forces aligned with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council – which wants an independent south – said they had seized control of military camps and the presidential palace.

The government said it was a “coup.”

The action has fractured the Saudi-led coalition against Houthi rebels that both sides have fought in. (BBC)


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