Zonta says no to violence against women

EVERY year, the 25th day of November signifies the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. There were lots of campaigns and advocacies from all over the world, and Zonta International is on the forefront of raising awareness.

Through its “Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women” campaign, Zonta clubs around the world come together for 16 days to make sure that someone is speaking up for women who are survivors and victims of violence.      

As a refresher, Zonta International is an organization of professionals that empower women worldwide through service and advocacy. It envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights. It wanted a world where women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men and that no woman lives in fear of violence. 

“We advocate for equality, education and an end to child marriage and gender-based violence. We want to expand opportunities for women and girls through our international education programs and service projects. We believe that by empowering women, we can make the world a better place,” said Vedette Tania Ong, president of Zonta Club of Iloilo City II, in an interview with Panay News.

Vedette Tania Ong, president of Zonta Club of Iloilo City II

The coronavirus pandemic has affected Zonta’s traditional actions and interactions, but even amid adversity, there is “much work to do” and they are not backing down.

“This year, we have concentrated on educating women as to what they can do. We have established a Facebook page: Zonta Club of Iloilo City II Advocacy,” Ong shared.  “We post educational materials on what we can do to empower women and stop violence against women. Through online media we can have a wider reach. We boost the page to target the younger generation, girls 13-21 years of age.” 

The club also put up posters on how to stop violence at home.

“These posters with diagrams show what to do to ask for help when you are abused at home and what to do when you see the sign. These posters will reach the grassroot level in all the barangays in the city,” she said.

Aside from the 16 days of activism campaign, Zonta has many projects in the works.

“We are launching our upcoming project ‘Dalagita Ko Atipanun Ko’ next year. This project aims to promote awareness of the importance of the parents, especially the mother’s role in a daughter’s upbringing. We will provide information as to how they can connect and protect their daughters because parents are primary influencers of their children,” said Ong.

“We are also going to open our online store where the proceeds go to the Club’s projects. Each product you buy enables you to help a woman succeed,” she added.  

Through the years, the Zonta Club of Iloilo City II had brought to the community lots of relevant projects which include information drives, lectures, awareness campaigns, skills and livelihood programs, among others.  

Ong, together with the Zonta Club of Iloilo City II also has a message to all women, young girls and ladies who were/are victims of violence but afraid to speak for themselves.

“It is not your fault.  There is no blame, there is definitely no shame.  There is Hope.  There is Help.  You are not alone.  We are here for you.  Reach out to someone.  Reach out to us.  Do not give up!”  

So to all women out there, Zonta’s telling you this:

“You are beautiful, you are smart, you are talented, you are cherished.  You are important, you are special, you are worthy and you are loved.  Do not permit anyone to hurt you, or tell you that you do not matter. We all matter. You matter.”/PN


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