WITH alluring ladies donning multifarious gowns with intricate designs and fine details – created by renowned Ilonggo fashion designers, and even a few by couturiers from the provinces of Capiz and Negros Occidental – 33 beauty queens sparkled in this year’s Santacruzan Ciudad de Iloilo.

Showcasing creations of a handful of established local designers, the chosen Sagalas stunned the crowd with their elusive and unique dresses representing the different Queens or Reynas of May.

Santacruzan is celebrated annually all over the Philippines in honor of the search for the Holy Cross and also as a thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin Mary. What makes Santacruzan Ciudad de Iloilo different from all the events held in other cities and towns is the fact that the gowns worn by the muses, who are reigning queens from different beauty pageants inside and outside of Iloilo, were delicately made by the local designers.

This time, on its fourth year, designers from all over Panay Island came over to participate in the event and present their authentic creations.

Three crowned beauty queens represented the major Reynas of this year’s Santacruzan. Miss Teen Iloilo Patricia Beerda served as Reyna De Las Flores carrying a bouquet of flowers and clad in JunG Candelario’s gold gown, beaded with embossed vector design and detailed flowers. Meanwhile, Miss Iloilo Dinagyang 2017 Jekkah May Prudente stood as Reyna Emperatriz in her pure white and elegant gown made by Ram Silva while carrying a cross. Demi Jainga, Miss Dinagyang 2018 represented Reyna Elena in her folded-inspired peach gown crafted by Alex Soncio while carrying a cross and having a little child known as Constantino beside her.

When the three beauty queens were asked about what they thought about their gowns and their sentiments on being chosen to characterize the core Reynas, they shared similar comments.

The three queens told Panay News that they’re very proud to wear the creations of the different designers. They also said that the gowns they had matched their personalities perfectly.

Specifically, Jainga said, “It’s a simple dress but it reminds me as a person, Tito Alex (Soncio) knows me well.”

Among the designers of the gowns for this year’s Santacruzan were Alfie Desamparado, Ariel Doronilla, Ruffy Itaas, Carlo Simoy, Edwin Benitez, Oliver Zulueta, Nino Damasco, Edward Sales, Peter Gagula, Mark Jerez, John Lee Betita, Mark Arnel, Daryl Amar, Cyril Villanueva, Jeff Ticao, Totong Gellangarin, Elon Delgado, Gerard Espulgar, Ysther Grejaldo, Daryl Amar, Lexter Badana, Ayan Jorda, John Montinola, Audrey Rose Albason, and Efren Geroso.

The Reynas flaunted their elegant gowns with grace and poise amidst the inclement weather. Bearing the thick pleats and high-heeled shoes that complement their dresses, they romped in front of Iloilo City Hall confidently and seamlessly. This year’s event marks another milestone for all the beauty queens, designers, and organizers.

Indeed, Santacruzan Ciudad de Iloilo 2018 is a feat of true aesthetics not only exemplifying the real essence of Santacruzan but also showcasing the real art that only Ilonggos can make. (Photos by Ian Paul Cordero)(April Grace Padilla & Margaret Anjelie Llorico, Interns/PN).