Young actor Vince Rillon was still on Cloud 9 Monday night after bagging the best actor trophy at the Asian Film Awards in Rome, Italy last week. He won for his portrayal of an avenging thief against a syndicate in Brillante Mendoza’s 2021 crime drama, “Resbak.”
When his name was called as the best actor winner, Rillon was shocked and was even speechless. He tied with another Filipino actor, Christian Bables, for the film “Big Night,” directed by Jun Lana.
Once he returned to Manila, everything started sinking in for Rillon. “I realized, I was very blessed that day.”
The fact that “Resbak” landed as one of the entries in the 19th Asian Film Festival was enough blessing for Rillon.
At 23, after a decade in acting, Rillon still wants to accomplish a lot of things. “I have a lot more to do,” he insisted. “I want to take action scenes soon, not just be sexy. Although I still enjoy being sexy.”
Last month, Rillon came out in another Mendoza film, “Sisid,” where he starred with Paolo Gumabao, Kylie Verzosa and Christine Bermas.
This time, Rillon graces yet a forthcoming film, “Kaliwaan,” where he is paired for the first time with sexy star, AJ Raval.
Since it was his first time to work with Raval, Rillon had to break the ice on the set, although Raval didn’t make it hard for him.
Completing the cast of “Kaliwaan” are Mark Anthony Fernandez, Denise Esteban, Juami Gutierrez and Felix Roco. Mendoza was the creative producer, with Daniel Palacio at the helm.
The film starts streaming on Vivamax on April 29. (ABS-CBN News)